Day 4, Thanksgiving Day - Levi


Unknown said...

Jen and Levi-Congrats on your beautiful twin baby boys. They are so sweet and a precious gift from God. We are so happy for you. Will continue to keep your family in our prayers. Love the videos.

Debbie Struble(Levi's cousin in Iowa)

Linda said...

Levi and Jen,
I can't wait to see you guys. The babies are so beautiful. Give my boys hugs and kisses. Can't wait to love and squeeze them. What marshmallow cheeks!

Grammie and Papa
The Yoopers

Anonymous said...

Jen and Levi,
I am SO incredibly happy for the two of you (or I should say the 4 of you). Your boys are precious. You are all in my thoughts and I hope that your family is home soon! Thanks for all of the updates.
