While at the doctor's office little Levi had a huge diarrhea attack that lasted the weekend. He didn't have a fever, but he also had a lot of big spit-ups--more like throw-ups. Everett had similar symptoms on Saturday, but by Monday both boys seemed fine. Their parents were very tired, though.
The boys are having more awake time during the day, although they still sleep a lot more than they're awake. It's a challenge keeping them up after most feedings. In fact it's pretty much impossible. Working on that....
They both love getting baths. I look forward to the day when I feel like their skin can take a daily bath. It's great one-on-one time with them, and they're so alert and mellow the whole time. I always do it after their morning feeding. I put the other baby in a crib with the mobile going and he's generally happy the whole time. Like any newborn, they would prefer to be held over almost anything else. I love to snuggle them both at once after a feeding, when they both turn their head in and look at each other while snuggled against me. They're starting to become very aware of each other's presence which is fun to observe.
Pictures: Everett and then Levi under the baby gym. They both make happy faces but have yet to actually smile. Soon, I'm sure!
Levi loves tummy time and it usually puts him in a very sleepy state. Tummy time basically ticks Everett off, although we still do it daily. This pic is of Levi.
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