Grandpa and Grandma Hobin Visit

For the boys' 11th week the Hobins came to visit. Between mom and me I can't believe their cheeks aren't raw from all the kissing.

Of course mom was amazing and allowed me to have many breaks and lots of help. She has endless patience and endurance and helped so much night and day. I can honestly say by the end of the week I am certain both boys preferred her to me. I loved to see them bonding.

Grandpa helped, too. More than one morning he came up when he heard them crying for a 3 or 4 am feeding. Tandem feedings are the norm for us but it is certainly nice to share the duty and allow the boys to have some individual attention.

Although everyone says little Levi (left) looks like his dad, I think he really looks like a Hobin and you can really see why here. He looks a lot like my baby pictures. This is also a decent shot of Everett's dimple.

This is a very typical Levi face. He gives us wide-eyed puckers constantly. It's also the face we make when we imitate him. Everett's is more along the lines of Popeye. Wish we could capture it on camera.

Sometimes it's necessary to separate the boys during naptime if one of them (I'm talking about you, Levi) is loud and fussy. Here Ev naps in our bed.

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