Early in the week we started feeding the boys rice cereal. As predicted, we basically just kept feeding them the same spoonful over and over.
(actually we started last week I think, but just seeing the videos on the camera now)Over the course the week we were able to thicken it a bit and they both liked it, although Everett would actually kick and snort with excitement if we didn't feed him fast enough. Levi's still not too sure, but I actually think they're distracted by their dislike of the bumbos. Shopping for highchairs pretty soon....
My mom came to visit for the weekend. I love the she's been here so often! She's actually the one who had the most success feeding little Levi.

We also purchased bubbles and had some fun outside.

The boys are sitting up with a lot of support. Some days they're super-sturdy, and other days not so much.
All of us are loving the boys' babysitter. They get lots of close-up time with her, reading and talking and learning Spanish. I asked her just not to teach them "mama loco." They'll figure that out on their own. Little Levi is especially smitten with her (and I know the feeling is mutual).

I'm in such a haze most of the time so it's wonderful to have another adult in their lives looking out for them. If it weren't for Sandra I'd still be shoving their legs into sized 3-6 pajamas.

Everett continues to have very difficult evenings with his reflux. He will sometimes have up to an hour of fussing and pain, where I hold him in just the right position and then he eventually has a huge spit up and the whole ordeal is over and he can go to bed. During the day we lay him down to sleep in his crib but at night we've actually just been putting him in a bouncy chair so he's more elevated. This has definitely helped, but of course is not a long-term solution. In the meantime we're hoping the daily doses of cereal will help his tummy.

The boys are interested in the dogs, particularly Everett. Augustine steers pretty clear of the kids, but Buddy has taken it upon himself to stand guard constantly. If the boys are crying he goes right to them and parks himself a safe distance away. Very sweet.

It's really fun to notice their little habits. Levi loves to be kissed and cuddled, and when you lean in to kiss him he opens his mouth and closes his eyes, sometimes batting them. So cute. Everett loves to laugh. All I have to do is give him a look and he cracks up. He really loves it when we use our fingers to walk up his legs and torso and touch his face. We don't even have to say anything, he just cracks up.
We sing songs constantly, and they both kick and smile at my first note. It's a huge confidence builder. And both of the boys are very ticklish. Here grandma is torturing Levi.
I hate to abuse this power but it's so much fun hearing them laugh so hard. I feel bad for a moment and then I look down at my stretch marks.

Another video of Ev for the road. I uploaded accidentally. It's grandma making him laugh.
Aww they are adorable, I love hearing their laughs and seeing them smile so much. Looks like you are having so much fun with your boys.
I cannot stop listening to Levi and Everett's laughs-perfect mood lifters! How sweet the sounds!! Love watching the feedings-the bigger the bibs, the better!! So glad your home is filled with laughter and fun!!
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