Week 32 - June 27-July 3

For the second half of this week we were in the UP visiting Levi's parents and our extended family. The boys spent a lot of time on all fours rocking back and forth; it was obvious they were getting ready to move. It was great seeing family but honestly it was difficult maintaining their schedule and trying to visit. We tried to throw the schedule aside and let them sleep in the car on our way to visits, etc., but we quickly figured out that was not going to work. This is the "con" of being on a tight schedule. And to boot, they were still taking FOUR naps a day! I know they're technically too old for this, but it's their rhythm. I hope it changes soon. The idea of two longer naps sounds glorious.

This was the first time the boys took baths in a sink. Honestly it's one of those moments that I would long for before we had children. I'd see pictures of kiddos getting bathed in the kitchen sink and my heart would completely ache. Funny how certain things really hit you.

I can't believe I actually caught Levi sneezing. This child has the most adorable sneeze you've ever seen.

Everett's faces are neverending and priceless. He's very serious when he's playing.

My best friend, Ann, and her daughter, June, who's just a month younger than the boys. Below is Ann's husband, Greg, and their daughter, Catina. (June is Greg's daughter, too :)

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