Week 45 - September 26 - October 2

Hardest week ever. Sunday morning I could tell when Everett awoke that something was wrong. I took his temperature and sure enough he had a fever. He had cold symptoms so it all made sense. By Monday Levi was the same, and the boys went back and forth all week coughing, crying, puking, crying, not sleeping, crying, whining, crying, and let's see...some more crying and puking. Turns out they get pretty upset when taking medicine when they're sick (when teething or any other time, not a problem), and the outcome was always vomit. But that's not all, even without the medicine being administered, they were still puking. One day I cleaned up 8 pukes. The week was a tear-filled blur. The best part about it was sleeping on the couch with the sickest boy of the night--I loved cuddling them when I knew they felt so rotten. I'd rather be awake and snuggling them than awake and staring at the monitor. Anyway, by the end of the week we were treating three infected ears with amoxicillin. (I suppose it makes sense that we only have these tub pictures from this week.)

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