Sunday before the surgery Everett discovered some new rhythm: Instead of just bouncing to the beat, he would sway back and forth by shifting his weight from foot to foot. Of course every other part of his body was completely still. He looked like a little old man gettin' his groove on. I give them spoons to play with while they eat, and that afternoon he put some of his food on it and fed himself!
In other Everett news, he said his first word on Thursday, the afternoon of his surgery! He's been saying mama, dada, baba, for ages (like all kids do), but he was holding a truck, and when I said its name, he repeated it clear as day! Levi heard it, too. So of course I said it again: "Everett, say 'truck!'" and he said, clear as day, "BAH." OK, he's hasn't got it down yet, but he really did say it once! And to boot, a few days later when I asked him to say "block," he repeated that. So fun.
Levi has been especially needy lately, which I know has a lot to do with how his ears feel in addition to getting a third bottom tooth. Although he's also getting into more at home and hates to be told "no." Both boys are devastated by the word and literally throw themselves on the floor, tears and all. Oy.
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