Hayden's been doing great. He loves to watch his brothers, and spends his days traveling from place to place in the house: the boppy, the bouncy, the swing, and carseat, with naps in between. He's been sucking his hand and really doesn't want the pacifier outside of sleep time. He's definitely discovered his feet and hands, and is quite happy just playing with his feet.
The twins are a keeping us on our toes. Some cute moments I don't want to forget:
- When one boy is in the crib for timeout, the other stands at the door crying and waiting for the other one to come out. What's so crazy is how the one is probably in timeout for hitting the other!
- On a similar note, the first day I had to use timeout in the backyard, it was to discipline Everett for repeatedly drinking the water from their wading pool (which is from a well). I put him against the garage and he voluntarily put his hands up like he was being arrested. Levi couldn't stand knowing Everett "got" to be in timeout, so he promptly committed the same offense, and then walked himself to the garage and, smiling the whole way, put is hands up, too.
They don't have a lot of words, but they certainly try hard to communicate. Although it all sounds pretty similar, Everett says ball, bat, dog, truck and car. They both make a lot of animal noises, although the only ones that actually match the animal are owl and monkey, and sometimes cat (Levi). Go figure. Oh, and Dora. They both say Dora quite clearly. Levi makes a lot of sounds but really no words yet, aside from the standard mama and dad. They'll both point out just about any object I name while we read, which makes reading a lot of fun.
Both twins are loving Hayden. They give him love and try to console him when he cries. I have to keep a close eye of course because the consoling could be a pacifier, or if could be a sippy cup shoved in his mouth or a plastic truck zooming on his head.
This is a full-circle moment. They used to love this baby gym, and as they played underneath it as babies, I distinctly recall thinking, will they ever understand that they can grab at it? Or kick at the moving toys? I didn't even dream of them standing up at it some day!

Last year, the week before Memorial Day, Everett rolled for the first time (6 months exactly), and on the holiday Levi rolled. This Memorial Day they played on their climber outside and ate popsicles for the first time, and a few days later their baby brother rolled for his first time. I'm so sentimental about these milestones!
(Yes, that's an empty sandbox.)

Very thankful Hayden likes the bumbo!

Hayden and Grandma Hobin. She ate him up, reading him books and cuddling with him. We're big kissers around here so he got plenty of that too. Seriously, look at those cheeks. Here's a closeup:
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