Over the past couple weeks we can definitely say that we have hit a stride with the boys and have some sort of routine. If we give them their last feed at 6:45pm and then lay them down for the night, they'll pretty much sleep until early morning. Levi usually wakes up between 4 and 5, and Everett has been known to go as long as 6 or 6:30. Since it's been going on for weeks I feel safe putting it in writing, despite the sleep demons that will attempt to thwart our system. Actually we've tried three times to put them down after a 6pm bottle, since--crazy us--they are SOUND ASLEEP by 6:15pm, and we have to actually WAKE THEM most nights for the 6:45 bottle. This is a mistake we will not make a fourth time. Each time we were up at midnight, 2, 3, 4...you get the picture. I have no idea what that was all about, but I assure you if that kind of bad night happens again it will not be the result of foolish parents feeding babies at 6pm.
Sometimes Everett likes his thumb, although the pacifier is what soothes him to sleep. We have several (and yet we can never find one when we need it!).

A closeup of Levi. Squishy baby.

I LOVE how they look while being burped. They are either dazed and fixated...

...or half-asleep.
(Love his pudgy little hands on his lap!)
Last but not least, weekly nakedness. I cannot believe how much they've grown. Using the tub on the bathroom counter for baths is not going to work anymore--the babies want to move around too much to be safe, not to mention they are just getting too long! And yet they don't sit up yet, so the kitchen sink is out. Speaking of sitting, we have been practicing quite a bit and every chance Everett gets he tries to pull himself up to a sitting position. They don't grab or swat at toys, so there isn't much to encourage them yet. Soon I'm sure...
(Levi on the left, Everett on the right.)
hey jen, have you tried to wake them up around 10 or 11pm and giving them a final feeding with no wake time afterwards? That way they will sleep longer in the morning. I don't know if that's what your goal is, but it worked for us.
I want to eat.them.up.
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