Week 18

The boys had their 4-month appointment on Monday, March 22. Our WWF wrestlers are both right around 16 pounds.

The doctor was very pleased with their growth and thought we grew preemies pretty well over here. They went through a growth spurt over the month of March where they were demanding 7 ounces of formula per feeding (5 per day)! For their weight that's not unheard of, but that is a lot of liquid. We're starting to see them refuse that last ounce or two of their bottles so I suspect the spurt might be slowing down.

Grammie and Papa Matteson came to visit over the weekend. The boys had changed so much since their New Year's visit, and they decided they couldn't wait until the Fourth of July to see them again! It was so great to see them loving on the boys, and of course Linda had babies talking to her the entire time. What is it with Grandmas?!

We are starting to see them grasp at toys, although the objects involved are usually things like mom's hair, mom's shirt, pacifiers, bibs and, for little Levi--his eyeballs. This child is constantly pulling at his eyes. It's actually a sign of fatigue, which is a nice little cue, but if we don't cover his hands while he sleeps then he'll inevitably wake up with bloody scrapes on his face. (And yes, I cut his nail fanatically.) Everett has this really sweet habit of covering the side of his face with his bib, particularly if he's tired or if he's overstimulated. Sometimes church or visitors will evoke this reaction.

(That's Levi on the left. See, chubby babies can work it.)

Speaking of sleeping, we've been letting Levi cry-it-out using graduated extinction, and it's going wonderfully. We've decided to separate them for the first portion of night sleep and entirely for naps, but that works just fine. We just move Levi's Moses basket and he's fine with it.

I've been bathing them in their tub, in the bathtub. Much more fun for them because they can splash around.


Kelly said...

How'd you get them to both make the same exact face in the first picture? :) Lucy is very happy to see their new pictures.

Elizabeth said...

Levi and Everett look like they are not to sure what is happening-is it play time, or meal time? They are getting so big and cuter by the day!
Give them hugs and kisses from me!