And so it begins. On Saturday we were in the living room watching the boys play under their gym when we heard a howl from little Levi. It's not unlike him to whine, but this was definitely pain. As I bent down to investigate, I noticed Everett was gripping Levi's finger for dear life, and of course every time Levi tried to pull it away it just hurt more. It would be easy to write this off as a fluke, but the same scenario occurred two days later in the crib when Everett had a death grip on Levi's entire arm. I blame myself. I actually prayed that they'd learn to grasp things more efficiently.

Everett is just so strong. He brings himself to a sitting position when lying down, although once he's there he needs help sitting. Both boys are sitting really well with help, which is great because now we have another position to add to our options. I can sit them up on the couch and play or read books. Or tell Buddy to sit and they have a blast just staring at him.
Monday we went to Coffee and Tee in Linden Hills so Levi could scratch something off his bucket list. This place sells freshly brewed coffee by the cup, and it's the only place in Minnesota where you can get this coffee that is processed by being ingested and then pooped out by some random forest animal. Don't ask. It's a $10 cup of coffee made from pooped out coffee beans. So Levi got his and I got a yummy, frothy cappuccino. I also experienced changing diapers from the back hatch of our station wagon. Not too bad of a setup actually.

(Pictures above: Jen and Levi, Levi, Ev and then little Levi. You should hear us when my in-laws are here--half the people in house are named Levi.)Oh, and the feeding is at a standstill. They don't seem too fond of the rice cereal, and their mom keeps forgetting to purchase oatmeal or barley, and they hate the bumbos that they sit in while they feed. It's very hit and miss. I've had a very hard time deciding on high chairs, so hopefully I'll get my act together on that soon. In the meantime, when Levi's home we feed them together, usually him holding the boys and me frantically shoving the spoon into one mouth and then the other. If they're in a good mood they do not want to wait for the food.

Everett's reflux is getting worse and we're definitely going to schedule that GI appointment that I've been avoiding.

Oh, and we bought our first exersaucer! It was a used purchase from a mom-to-mom sale in our town. It wasn't until we got it home that I realized it had a circus theme. Might as well just put animal carcasses on sticks and call it a toy as far as I'm concerned. I know, Levi reminds me all the time what a fun mom I'm going to be.

1 comment:
Big Levi does not have enough poop at home, with two dogs and two boys? Sorry, had to say it! The boys look more and more curious and alert each week. Cuter and more "babe-alicious", too!! Love to you all!!
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