Levi's been teething for some time now--drooling and chewing on his hand for many weeks. Poor thing. This week we really noticed that Everett started teething. Not only did the drool factor increase, but he started this hilarious habit of gnawing on his lips. He's like an old man with no teeth.
The boys have really discovered their hands in a new way, holding them and analyzing them. It started with Everett, but by the end of the week we noticed Levi doing it, too. They've been playing with their hands for a long time, but this is different. They're also pretty happy to just hang out and stare at each other. Since Easter they've really been watching and smiling at each other (and the dogs, too), but it's really starting to look like brotherhood emerging.
Poor Ev. Evenings have reached an all-time bad. I'm totally confused because this child is not a snuggler and does not ever resist the crib. He goes down for naps like a rock star, and will even go down at night just fine, but wake up 30-45 minutes later screaming like he's dying, and the only thing that will console him is being held. We started him on a new formula last week (the FOURTH since birth, not including the breastmilk he got for the first 2 1/2 months) so we'll see how this one fares. So far it has made days better but the nights are not, in fact the bad nights are not the exception but the norm. I feel so badly for him, and honestly the snuggling that comforts him isn't exactly torture for me...
Looks like Levi will be the dancer of the group.
I am loving every moment with these boys. I feel like someone flipped a switch in the past couple weeks and they are really becoming so much fun.
I started laughing out loud when you said Levi might be the dancer of the two.
Jen - Oh my gosh. I haven't checked out the blog for quite awhile. They are just adorable. Sooooooooooooo cute. It looks like you're having a lot of fun with them. I heard you say Levi was trying to dig his way to China! That would be OK with me! It's hard to believe that they are preemies. They are so big! When we go back to MN next January, they'll probably be walking. I'm glad that you've got this blog so that we can share a little in their growth. Praying for you all. Love, Sherry and John
Hey Affer- In the pic with the boys sitting on the couch, is Levi looking down or is it gravity? He looks like your face on Levi Paul's head. Love the fact that they have different personalities despite being twins. Can't wait to see them!
Jen -
Your blog is so delightful. What a wonderful way to share and keep track at the same time. Thinking of you Lyn B
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