Week 37 - August 1-7

This week the boys and I went back to mom and dad's house. The VERY day we returned and set the boys up in the living room was the day Everett decided he was done scooting around. He started crawling at the speed of light, and Levi was not far behind. And then the next day Levi started pulling himself up on furniture, and this time Everett followed his brother and started doing it, too. By the time we got home at the end of the week we had completely different kids and thank goodness Levi had baby-proofed while we were gone! It was time for plexiglass on the banister and baby gates. A few days later I had to remove all of our decorations within reach. Now we look like an Art Van showroom. Well, an Art Van/Babies "R" Us showroom at least.

While I was in Gladwin for the second week Geoff and I took the boys to the beach. It took us about an hour to get ready and I think we were there a total of 40 minutes, and poor Geoff spent 10 of those minutes setting up this amazing tent for us! We took the boys in the water with some cool rafts that mom found for us and they liked it. But of course the sand became a pain and a hazard so we made our way home pretty quickly.

Everett loves books. He loves to be read to, and he loves just flipping through books and playing with them. He's super attentive when read to which makes it really fun. Levi's getting more and more interested, but nothing like Everett.

Levi's favorite time of day is when his dad gets home from work and gets down on the floor with the boys. They climb all over him, cracking up the entire time.

I haven't done naked babies in awhile and I think I need a new plan. As you can see the whole "lay here on this blanket" thing isn't really happening anymore. But you sure can see how much they've grown!

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