Week 38 - August 8-14

This week we had VBS at our church, so I was basically a single parent. Thank goodness my friend, Isaac, took these pics when we came to visit one night. They're the only images captured the entire week! (And they're gorgeous. Thanks, Isaac.)

This was another week of fun changes for the boys. I've been more bold in their food choices, giving them fresh blueberries, peaches, more avocado, and we've also introduced Cheerios (which I swore I'd never do but they are such a life-saver when I need to buy a few minutes with boys contained to highchairs!). The boys really liked all of these new foods and they went in just fine. You can imagine what they were like coming out.

The boys are enjoying each other more and more every day, laughing at each other after just a look, and especially when we sprawl out on the floor and they start climbing on us. They just bounce and laugh together the whole time.

One evening I was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher, with boys playing on the floor. I spaced out for a minute and when I came to, Everett was inside the dishwasher, with Levi close behind. He's crawled on top of the open door and was reaching in for the goods (as in plates and knives). Levi was standing up at the edge of door smiling. That was the last day I left them on the floor while I worked in the kitchen!

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