Ending January

The boys love it when Levi pulls out pieces of the maze. They run around like mad men.

They're definitely perfecting their climbing skills, and I have a new task of keeping them off the couches. And their small motor skills are getting better every day, which is so much fun to watch. They still love their books, and Levi in particular will spend half his day bringing me book after book to read to him. He'll make a "kuh" sound, which I think it supposed to be "book."

Also, they've recovered from their first sinus infections...by ushering in nasty colds. Seriously. I can't believe all of their little ailments!

Here are a couple videos--one of Levi playing peekaboo with a sheet on the chair, and one with the boys learning how to use new sippy cups (they're used to the straw cups but I wanted to see if they could figure out the tilt factor to these).

For the sake of our next child, I feel compelled to add this pregnancy pic of me. I don't want him to feel neglected already. I have an entire book of pics and notes from my first pregnancy, a few notes and pics from the twins' pregnancy (and the book is nowhere to be found actually), and literally three pics from this pregnancy. Hope he's a tough one.

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