Three weeks of Hayden (oldest to newest):
Like February, March was a whirlwind. I keep saying our house is a zoo, but I'm realizing it's really just because of the two monkeys, not the newest addition. They are so busy and really fun right now. I see new developments every single day and I wish I could catalog them in my memory forever. For instance, two days ago, as I was snuggling Levi after his bath I asked him, "Should we go put on a diaper?" and he nodded and said "yah!" He knew exactly what I meant. And last week Sandra taught them how to sign "please" at church and Everett's been signing ever since. The other night before bed he didn't like the first book in the pile, so he signed "please" so I'd grab his new favorite (thanks, Evangelistas!). Man, if he keeps signing I'll never be able to say no. I love that they're communicating!
Our latest endeavor is keeping them off furniture. They just want to climb and be boys, so I'm really anxious for better weather to arrive so we can get outside and play with our new sandbox (thanks, Grammie & Papa!) and just throw balls and be wild. I'm envisioning the summer going well just knowing that they'll have the chance to run freely.
I really hate to say this publicly, but Hayden's a pretty easy baby. I tell Levi all the time how I can't believe what a world of difference it is having one baby instead of two.
This is our first adventure outdoors this year--we played on the deck.
1 comment:
I really love the orange jacket picture. Not sure who it is because I can't see the hair. ADORABLE!!
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